Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Importance of Integrity and Professionalism in Nursing Essay

The Importance of Integrity and Professionalism in Nursing - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the idea of dignity is also present in the nursing code of ethics given by the ANA which demands a respect for human dignity that can only come through being professional when a nurse approaches his/her profession. This concept of an inherent dignity of a human being who deserves to be treated with integrity is certainly not a new one since the time of ancient philosophers, it was accepted that human beings are endowed with special qualities that have set them apart and make them different from other living things.This discussion highlights that  thus human beings and the individuals under the care of the nurse have to be treated in a professional manner and when it comes to recent development in nursing, one of the key elements of professionalism and integrity appears to be confidentiality. This is because the assurance of confidentiality promotes and strengthens the integrity of the relationship between nurses and patients and this in turn prom otes patient care and recovery. The principle of respect concerning the autonomy of the patient is an acknowledgement of the right of the patient to have control over his/her information. This includes the right to decide who has access to his or her personal information and it is the responsibility of caregivers to make sure that this right is not violated.  Professionalism and integrity also teach nurses the idea of their duty and the ethical guidelines given by the ANA show us that the first duty of the nurse is towards the patient.  

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